Thursday, December 3, 2009

POLL: 60% Say Passage of Health Care Reform Will Increase Deficit

[HT:MG]Subject: txt hcar =
The CBO has projected that the health care legislation now being considered by Congress would make the federal budget deficit a bit smaller over the coming decade, but only 17% of voters believe that’s true.

Seventy-five percent (75%) also believe it is at least somewhat likely that middle class taxes will have to be hiked to cover the cost of health care reform. Fifty-nine percent (59%) say such a tax increase is Very Likely.

Overall, voters believe that of the four budget priorities listed by Obama early in his presidency, cutting the deficit in half by the end of his first term is the most important.

[Yet passage of a health 'care' bill will blow it up. It's all a shell game with ulterior motives to everything.]


image toon - mny 1st hcare = CBO thinks Oby lies re deficit neutrality of hcare

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