Monday, November 23, 2009

Palin on the Run?

If a wonderful moderate like Obama can’t work with the obstinate Republicans, as the MSM tries to tell us, Palin would really have trouble. After all, with the Palin types,

“Everything is reduced to us and them.”

That’s an interesting way to define Palin while one of the most partisan, ideologically driven men in U.S. history occupies the White House.

How ever far Palin is to the right of center -- the truth is that Obama is even farther to the left.

Palin believes in a traditional, strong, energy independent America. Meanwhile, Obama is on a quest to fundamentally remake the country. Palin might be a polarizing figure, but Obama is more so. And that is understandable considering that only 20 percent of the country identifies with the liberal sect, of which Obama represents.

What those on the left fail to recognize is that Obama is causing a conservative revival, the likes of which we have not seen “in modern memory.”

I believe the 2010 elections are going to hit out-of-touch elitists like a ton of bricks.



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