Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Deficit Doves

Subject: txt mny crpt bdd vals msm -
Fiscal Policy: Suddenly, the White House announces it will focus with laserlike intensity on cutting the federal budget deficit in the coming year. And no, that's not the punch line to a very bad joke.

It's hard to say which is worse: the most profligate administration in our nation's history proclaiming itself to be a born-again champion of deficit reduction, or the underlying assumption that Americans are a bunch of slack-jawed nitwits who are incapable of understanding what's happened... [snip]

Can we slash the runaway growth in government?

Sure, start by killing the economy-choking cap-and-trade and health care bills, each of which will cost more than $1 trillion over the next 10 years....

[Rule one in climbing out of a hole: stop digging.]


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