Monday, November 9, 2009

to wit...

CBS & NBC Fail to ID Hasan as Muslim

“everything about his background is rock solid, and nothing extraordinary stands out about his background.”

LAT Jumps on PC Bandwagon, Ignores Islamic Beliefs of Ft. Hood Shooter

The Los Angeles Times left key facts out of its report, ... among these was that shooter had previously expressed on an Internet forum affinity for suicide bombers.

Newsweek Claims Fort Hood Shooter Exposed Overstretched 'Military on the Brink'

[Are] the shootings the Pentagon's fault? Will they inspire more shootings to come? The U.S. military could well be reaching a breaking point as the president decides to send more troops into Afghanistan

MSNBC: ‘Who Cares’ What the Religion of the Muslim Shooter Is?

"... you're clearly dealing with an American soldier, born in America, who enlisted again right out of high school ... who cares what his religion was?"

NBC 'Analyst' Unsure Ft. Hood Shooting Was Terrorism

“We’ve heard some family references that he was being criticized for his Muslim faith, that’s all we know right now....It’s still premature to draw the terrorism conclusion.”

ABC Frets: Plight of Muslim Soldiers Tough

World News Friday night painted Muslim soldiers as victims of intolerance, highlighting the experience of one Muslim soldier who “began his overseas deployment on 9/11...

ABC Wishes Muslim Shooter’s ‘Name was Smith’

Good Morning America’s Diane Sawyer repeated a concern from Thursday’s World News: "... ‘I wish his name had been Smith,’ so no one would have a reflexive question about [a religious motive]."

[and of course...]

MSNBC: LACK OF HEALTH CARE Funding Motivated Fort Hood Killer

"I think it could be a combination of both. I certainly have met mental health care providers in the military who, in addition to feeling overwhelmed, overworked, [that they] don't have the resources to do their jobs, become extremely stressed and frazzled. And there's no reason to not think that this could, this could ultimately lead to that kind of a conclusion."

[But that FOX, it's 'not a real news' organization. Right.]

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