Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gore's Profits Of Doom

Subject: txt grn -
Junk Science: The oracle of climate disaster has a new book out on global warming that should be on the fiction list. He asks us to commit economic suicide while he rakes in millions from his green investments.

'Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis," Al Gore's sequel to his 2006 tome "An Inconvenient Truth," came out Tuesday. Printed on recycled paper using low-VOC (volatile organic compound) ink, it will undoubtedly be a best seller to his acolytes.

What Americans need to realize is that he is advocating policies based on junk science that, while he enriches himself, will devastate the American economy, causing huge losses in jobs, economic growth and GDP... [snip]

The American consumer and taxpayer are on the wrong end of his green Ponzi scheme. Somewhere, Bernie Madoff is smiling...

[Despite the hundreds of trillions we're speaking of, the monetary costs pales in comparison to what such a state-run religion will do to our individual liberties, as we hand government the means to control all activity as it sees fit...]


image toon = grn = gore showered with engry grant money

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