Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Pillars of Liberal Progressivism

Liberal Progressives have fashioned so strong a hold on the American political landscape that to escape their clutches may no longer be possible for most citizens

What I call the 'Pillars of Liberal Progressivism' have infected America with a virus so deadly that fighting it has become extremely difficult. What are these pillars that progressives have worked so hard to erect in order to infiltrate and control?

  • 1) University Academia: ... Students schooled in the writings of radical revolutionaries such as Mao, Lenin, Trotsky -- and lesser-known malcontents like Alinsky, Zinn, and Chomsky -- spread their noxious fumes throughout the halls of academia... [snip]
  • 2) Law Schools: ... Those infected with this radical new virus could now expand their activities to include law schools. What better way to attain a redress of grievances against a racist, sexist, homophobic nation than to change the Constitution... [snip]
  • 3) Primary and Secondary Education: ... The lessons learned in academia could now be spread to the more basic levels of education ... the Hard Left would give no quarter in acceptance of gay lifestyles, wealth redistribution, equality of outcome - these became staples in the indoctrination of the very young... [snip]
  • 4) Entertainment: ... The film industry offered itself in humble prostration to these noble ideas. Films depicting the evils of capitalism and the inadequacy of the free market spawned a whole new generation of useful idiots to spread the biblical word...[snip]
  • 5) News Media: ... The infection of the newsroom continues unabated today with such lackluster cronies as Brian Williams, Charles Gibson, and Katie Couric reporting a brand of news so skewed to the Left that "embarrassing" would be its most flattering description...[snip]

These are the pillars Liberal Progressives have safely ensconced in their method of attack on America. The restoration of our country to a more reasonable state may lie beyond hope. Those of us who can must make our voices heard to all of the above institutions.

We have to come in from the wilderness of being afraid to confront Liberals on their ground. We must fight the bankrupt ideas of socialism in academia through the media. The internet has given us an outlet that must not be squandered; it may well provide the ground for a last stand...

[Again, it's the control of these institutions which explains how a 2:1 center-right nation seems {as media portrayal is perceptional reality for many} perpetually teetering on socialistic suicide. Recommended > ]


image toon - edu - Teacher indoctrinating children

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