Friday, September 25, 2009


It looks like Lyndon Baines Obama is about to repeat the mistakes of his Democrat predecessor.

Barack Obama and the Democrats spent years defaming the national security policy of the United States during a time of war. This opposition transcends criticism of policy or attacks on President Bush. Senator Reid, while our troops were in the field, pronounced the Iraq War lost. Other Democrat senators equating the conduct of our soldiers with Nazis or with rogue forces that bombed villages. "Bush lied, People died" bumper stickers popped up like ugly pimples on the back of countless vehicles in America. Our current Secretary of State essentially called General Petraeus a liar, without the slightest evidence.... [snip]

If our goal is to win in Afghanistan, then we should win.

Obama should whip Democrats into support or silence. He should reach across the aisle to Republicans. He ought to apologize, even if indirectly, for demonizing President Bush and his war on terror. If he is going to keep American troops in Afghanistan, those brave men and women deserve a commander-in-chief who is willing himself to make [political] sacrifices for them.

He should do what the military leaders in the region feel is necessary. He should explain to the American people our mission and our goals. He should speak of Afghanistan as part of "our common and united war on global terrorism." He should publicly insist our NATO allies to keep their forces in Afghanistan for practical and psychological reasons.

But Obama shows no inclination to do either of those things.

Obama will not withdraw from Afghanistan, but he will not really try to win. Like four decades ago, Americans serving their nation will be led by a leader who will not lead. Like four decades ago, our brave countrymen will be killed and maimed for no purpose greater than the political cynicism of a corrupt politician.

Obama will have his Vietistan and those who risk their lives for us will pay the price...

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