Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Find Millions of Racists

How do you create millions of white racists? I have a theory.

I say you can do it by accusing a few million white folks who are not racists and just continue to accuse them of being racists on a daily basis. Keep doing it day after day and week after week, and pretty soon you might just have what you want. The human spirit cannot absorb but so much of this before the inclination to hate the accusers gains traction. What do you expect from just a bunch of "typical white people."

What do you think will happen if you (the liberals) just keep on doing this? [snip]

How should we react if you make sure that you bring up the idea that people can't accept an African American President whenever he is criticized? I mean you do it every single time. Never mind that damned near 65 million folks - most of whom were white - voted for him last November. And never mind that many of these folks are among the Tea Party protesters.

We stood by and watched the media never manage to mention that Barack Obama would get something like 95% of his race while they were debating whether the white folks in the country were racists or not. We instantly saw the intellectual suicide of that analysis, but we were relatively quiet about it. [And now we're paying for that silence - are we learning?]

What will we think if you continue this hateful and libelous attack on us as we shop for Oprah's books or cheer for Tiger Woods or go see Bill Cosby's comedy show? We do a lot of all of that by the way. What are we to think of being called racists while our churches are performing non-government sponsored outreach to the inner cities providing food, shelter, computers and clothing?

And I won't even mention how we'll feel if you do it while we are on mission trips to poor African nations at our own expense.,, [snip]

So let me ask you a question? Have you ever considered that this cheap ploy might have the potential to explode into something much more malignant? What are we to think when normally reasonable folks like Juan Williams jump into the muck of Bill Maher and Jimmy Carter as a knee jerk reaction?

I say this because nothing -- absolutely nothing -- accesses our deepest temper like the totally unfounded accusation of racism. It is so completely wrong and hate filled and transparently desperate that every single time it happens the rage is building. Human nature is human nature, and these accusations are running afoul of it.


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