Friday, January 9, 2009

Sarkozy, Merkel, Blair call for 'new' capitalism

European leaders will meet in Berlin before the G-20 summit in London to decide a 'common approach' as global leaders gear up for a second meeting on the global financial crisis, Sarkozy said.

Merkel said the International Monetary Fund has not managed to regulate global capitalism, and she called for the creation of an economy body at the United Nations, similar to the Security Council, to judge government policy. [snip]

Sarkozy described current capitalism as:

"... a system where wealth goes to the wealthy, where work is devalued, where production is devalued, where entrepreneurial spirit is devalued,"

But no more:

"In capitalism of the 21st century, there is room for the state,"

he said.

['the state' to which he's referring is a UN-like global government. Make no mistake, the global financial melt down has given the one-world-government types an opening to again try and undercut the sovereignty of the United States. They're desperate to do this because, IF we can resist the wave of socialistic proposals being made, their welfare states will not be able to compete with our comparatively free market capitalism. But they can avoid the pain of undoing much of what they've done if they can bring us down to their level (example 1: global tax rates to avoid 'unfair' tax advantages - raised here to the levels there of course}. Just think about a United Nations Council 'judging' America's business structure...]


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