Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Proposition 8: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Poll

Undoubtedly spurred by the most altruistic of motives, analysts at the California Public Policy Institute, an independent, objective and non-partisan research network -- in their own humble estimation that is -- sensed a compelling interest in determining who exactly it was that voted in favor of Proposition 8, a ballot measure designed to insert language in that state's constitution, defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In keeping with their trademark fair-minded pursuit of the unvarnished truth, PPI did what every respectable public policy research organization would do that wants to get the unbiased and incontestable facts on any controversial issue: they conducted a poll.

To wit, the poll results yielded -- amid other equally provocative data -- that roughly 85% of those who identified themselves as evangelical Christians voted in favor of the measure, as well as 69% of people who never attended college. Apparently, there are still a good number of unenlightened folk, who do not view this rather narrow qualification obstinately interwoven in the traditional definition of marriage as much of a novel rendition. What the results did not show is that this ballot initiative was approved by a majority of citizens, who primarily sought to discourage activist judges from arbitrarily nullifying voter approved measures; a problem that appears to have become an endemic reality in other progressively inclined states.

This is not a new strategy, and you'd think by now the liberal elite would have realized that demeaning those whom you do not agree with by claiming intellectual superiority tends to alienate the very people you want to convince. Furthermore, it leaves them suspecting that you probably don't have much of an argument.


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