Tuesday, November 3, 2009

CBO: ObamaCare will Cover Only 2% of US Citizens

Subject: txt 1st hcare -
You may have missed it, as the Obama State-run media sycophants have worked feverishly to suppress it. One of a handful of media outlets that did publish anything on it (AP) devoted only one paragraph to this extremely important piece of news. Said paragraph reads:

"A Congressional Budget Office estimate suggests very few Americans under the age of 65 would sign up for health insurance under the much-debated public option. The CBO found that the scaled back government plan in the House version of health care legislation couldn’t overtake private insurance, with only about 2 percent of Americans under the age of 65 opting in..."

This is important because it completely contradicts what Obama and the White House have been saying for months…and months...


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