Thursday, October 15, 2009

Why people like Palin

She isn’t another summa cum laude graduate from Princeton like Sonia Sotomayor. She doesn’t strike anyone as an academic, or even draw upon her education during interviews with the media in order to impress upon people her knowledge and insights. That's what makes her so alluring to millions of Americans, and a fair share of Canadians, in the first place.

What makes her so popular is that she doesn't impress people with her five different institutions of education, or how many books she has written on Russian foreign policy. No, she manages it by what she accomplishes and, equally important to the vast majority of Americans, how and why she does so.

It doesn’t matter whether she 'finished' one term in office as Governor, or if she looked lost in one interview, or even that her book will likely be panned by elitist reviewers. Her supporters continues among the same people who aren’t going anywhere soon: the average American with 2 cars, and 3 or more kids, football practice during the week, hunting and fishing on the weekends, and the “down home” family values that seem to say “we’re not perfect, but we’re trying”.

You can’t buy that kind of “in” with the people. It has to come naturally, and that’s why Sarah Palin fits the bill.

[Which is why the left is so dreadfully afraid of her, as evidenced by the ceaseless ludicrous attacks.]


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