Wednesday, October 21, 2009

White House Crosses the Line

Subject: txt msm bias crpt lbrty reps libs -
Every White House complains about its press coverage. A contentious relationship between the Executive Branch and a free and independent media is part of America's DNA. Always has been.

But this White House seems to feel they're different.

It's not just that the current occupant of the Oval Office has a particularly thin skin when it comes to criticism - which is especially ironic given that he's been the recipient of more glowing press coverage than possibly any candidate or president in modern American history. But not since Nixon conjured up an "enemies list" have we seen the full weight of the Office of the Presidency brought to bear in such a targeted and deliberate effort to delegitimize a media organization critical of the President.

It's actually quite brazen when you think about it.

The two most senior members of the Obama White House - men who control all the information and access to the Executive Branch, the lifeblood of most news organizations - went on national television and suggested that ABC, CNN and other networks follow the White House's lead and join in its war to marginalize a competitor because it takes a "perspective" that displeases the President.

Most Americans of all political stripes don't want to see the President using the majesty and power of his office for heavy handed attacks on any organization simply because it has been critical of the President.

This White House's strategy may be the Chicago way, but it isn't the American way.

[Despite many pundits saying how foolish such a feud is, I wonder. The real message they're sending isn't to Fox - but all the other nets that, eventually, will have to come clean for business reasons and largely emulate Fox by default.

And that's what this administration can't afford - so they're sending the signal: dissenters will be punished, it's in your interest not to become one.

Scary, insulting stuff - but likely to work on the other outlets.]


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