Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Public option 'mirage'

Subject: txt hcare - 1st -
Those of us who oppose Obamacare's "public option" insurance plan may be advocating the wrong reasons for doing so, says columnist Robert Samuelson in the Washington Post.

While pointing up some of the obvious drawbacks, the real downer for the public option is that those who believe in its stated benefits - or posit dire consequences from its passage - are looking at a mirage:

The promise of the public plan is a mirage. Its political brilliance is to use free-market rhetoric (more "choice" and "competition") to expand government power.

This is why the liberals want to go "all in" on the public option. The artificially low premiums - subsidized by taxpayers - would eventually force private insurers to the sidelines where only the wealthy could afford the coverage. The rest of us would be stuck with lower quality care, less of it, and ever expanding taxpayer subsidies as the cost of health care continued upwards.

Samuelson calls for an honest debate on these consequences. He is dreaming. Democrats want these consequences to come to pass which is why they are pushing so hard for the public option in the first place.

[Its got nothing to do with providing health care.]


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