Friday, October 9, 2009

The No-Longer-Silent Majority

Subject: txt gdd vals othr extra lbrty -
..Another Beck show guest was a black man, Charles V. Payne, founder, CEO and Chief Analyst of Wall Street Strategies. Payne shared his moving tale of growing up in a poor inner city neighborhood. He said his fellow black students beat him up daily for "speaking too white", getting good grades and daring to have a dream of becoming a businessman.

"The kids were not simply jealous of me, they were extremely hostile"

said Payne. He attributes the black students' negative attitudes to a victim and entitlement mindset instilled in them by liberals.

I thought to myself, "Wow!" Black people do not come on TV and tell the truth about the negative effects liberalism has had on the black community. Nor, does anyone hold blacks accountable. Blacks are victims. Every and any problem they could possibly have is the fault of rich, racist, conservative, white Republicans. I mean, everybody knows that!

And then there is the hyphenated American thing. This hyphenated American thing is like the fairy tale, The Emperor's New Clothes. Con artists convinced the Emperor that the invisible fabric they used for his new attire was so special only the most enlightened could see it. At the public unveiling, the Emperor proudly paraded down the streets in his new outfit while supplicants applauded it's great beauty. Then a little boy yelled, “Mom look, the Emperor is NAKED!” Suddenly everyone, including the Emperor, was forced to acknowledge the truth.

Like the little boy in the story who spoke the truth, my public rejection of hyphenating is liberating Americans across America. I am inundated with letters of thanks and support... [snip]

Something unexpected and wonderful is happening across America folks. The Tea Party Movement has awakened a powerful sleeping giant silent majority. Americans are starting to say, "no" to political correctness; "no" to banning God from the public square, "no" to politicians who ignore the Will of the people, "no" to secular progressives and "no" to dead beats who think they are entitled due to their skin color, sex, economic status or whatever. "Enough!" is the battle cry of millions of Tea Party protesters.

While the main focus of the Tea Party Movement is a rebuke of outrageous government overreaching and out of control spending, the movement has embolden patriots to stand up for the traditions, institutions and values which have made America great. Thus, their slogan, "Take Back America!" It is truly amazing to witness.

With kids having to walk through metal detectors to enter their schools, fatherless black male students dropping out at epidemic rates, kids brutally physically assaulted by other kids on schools buses, and middle schools having to install Day Care centers to accommodate the large numbers of children having children, perhaps the libs will allow prayer back in schools.

Nah... that will never happen. According to the Left, letting God back in schools would really screw up our kids...

Lloyd Marcus, Black Unhyphenated American


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