Monday, October 19, 2009

Look in the mirror, Mr. President

Subject: txt 1st hcare crpt reps li-
Politicians of all stripes routinely spin facts and logic so fast they make the rest of us shake our heads in bemused wonder. Then there are those rare occasions when a prominent politician says something that clearly deserves a place in the Political Chutzpah Hall of Fame. President Obama earned a place in the pantheon with his Saturday radio address.

"It's smoke and mirrors," ... "It's bogus, and it's all too familiar. Every time we get close to passing reform, the insurance companies produce these phony studies as a prescription and say take one of these and call us in a decade. Well not this time."
In view of these facts [provided in piece], it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that Obama's campaign promises were just so much ... smoke and mirrors. Not only were Obama's bullying remarks Saturday harsh and hypocritical, they also sounded desperate, shrill and divisive. Not what one expects from a president promising bipartisan reform.

[Ah but that was in 'campaign mode' were told, which enlightened, nuanced folk realize doesn't really count.]


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