Monday, October 5, 2009

Healthcare Adds Another 19,000 Jobs, 559K Since Recession Began

As the Business & Media Institute's Julia Seymour previously reported, the September unemployment data just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed a larger than expected decline in non-farm payrolls.

Yet, as employers shed another 263,000 workers, the healthcare industry ADDED -- yes, ADDED -- 19,000 employees.

As reported last month, the healthcare industry, despite dire warnings from Democrats and their media minions that it's in a crisis, continues to add to payrolls month after month during this recession...


[Hmm. One might suspect that folks in that industry think it less likely they'll be hit with the reductions in 'fraud and abuses' promised than in it turning out to be {yet another} government boondoggle...]

image toon - hcare - Health Care largest employer in country

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