Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What the hell is the point of the United Nations?

Subject: txt owg - gdd -
So the circus has come to town again. The unspeakable Gaddafi is given a reasonable 15 minutes to speak, and goes on for an hour and three quarters of clowning, tearing up the UN charter and talking complete nonsense about swine flu.

Well, you might say, that’s what Gaddafi does.

But why do they let him?

[A: Because the primary goal of the UN, like all bureaucratic organizations, is first-and-foremost its own expansion.

That's how its membership mushroomed from 52 nations at its inception to 193 now - many of which have no business being considered legitimate governments/nations, and nearly universally use it as a forum to spout anti-US 'imperialism' propaganda. ]


image c-art toon = owg = UN logo = all darts toward US

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