Thursday, September 3, 2009

Predictable Progression...

In 2006, Gov. Mitt Romney enacted the most sweeping health care reform in the nation by making Massachusetts the first state to require that its residents purchase health insurance employers make a minimum level of health insurance part of employee compensation.

The fruits of Romneycare have been exactly what you'd expect from a government program, and makes it a case study in the reforms that President Obama and congressional Democrats are trying to ram through Congress.

Particularly the Romneycare individual and employer mandates, says Michael Cannon, director of health policy studies at the Cato Institute:

  • The individual and employer mandates give Massachusetts the power to ration care in a deliberate and systemic fashion and gives the government the power to dictate what types of coverage health plans must offer but also enables it to regulate the relationships between insurers and health care providers.
  • Since individual and employer mandates are simply disguised taxes, imposing them would violate Obama's pledge not to tax the middle class.
  • He vowed that no family making less than $250,000 a year would see any form of tax increase; yet House Democrats would force non-compliant employers to pay a tax equal to eight percent of payroll, while uninsured individuals would pay a tax equal to 2.5 percent of income.

Recently, the legislative commission recommended that Massachusetts impose price controls in the private sector as a means of rationing care...

[Again and again: bloated inefficient government can't compete with the free market - unless it legislates draconian rule toward killing its competition.]


image toon - hcare = New plan = ambulance within ambulance

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