Thursday, September 10, 2009

NBC MSNBC NYT: Obama Opponents 'Not Smart Enough' To Raise Their Children


A new high-tech Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Racism. And parents too dumb to raise their children.

That was how NBC sought to explain away opposition to Pres. Obama's planned speech to schoolchildren. Andrea Mitchell narrated a segment on this morning's Today on the subject.

Then it was on to John Harwood of MNSBC and the New York Times.

"In this case you've got a lot of people who are truly agitated about [the president's school speech] and I think partly that's the polarization continuing over time. And partly it's simply because Barack Obama is a different kind of president: first African- American, [you know; racism]

"But I gotta tell you, Amy [Robach], as somebody who's covered Washington for a long time, this is one of the most ridiculous controversies I've ever seen. So far as I can tell, the biggest danger to kids in this whole thing is that a lot of the parents complaining aren't smart enough to raise them very effectively. Because if you think that a president coming into your school, kids school, and saying work hard and stay in school is a danger to kids, you've got some problems."


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