Thursday, September 17, 2009

Al Qaida moves the battle to Iraq

What do you do if you're Osama with an S? Easy. You attack where the enemy is retreating. The Americans are pulling back in Iraq, so that's where you start to truck-bomb civilians again, to show that they can't rely on the Americans, and the Iraqi government is helpless. The goal is to spread terror until the people buckle under again.

In Iraq we are therefore seeing a series of massive suicide bombs against civilians. American military sources think AQ is doing it. Ahmadinejad may be aiding them, or anybody else, including Saudi princes and Iraq's own political parties. It's a snake's nest. But the Gulf region is the biggest source of oil. [incorrect: North America is the largest source - were it developed] Whoever controls the Gulf controls Europe and the Middle East. Who else will do it besides the US? Well, there's Ahmadinejad just waiting in the wings.

In Afghanistan Obama has imposed new rules of engagement, resulting in four US Marines killed last week when they were pinned down and denied artillery support.

In sum: Eight years after 9/11/01, the US is being attacked again by Al Qaida, but this time in Iraq. They will attack us where they see weakness, and Obama can be pushed most easily in the war he campaigned against.

Under George W. Bush we had AQ on the run, but Bush was crucified by the Left for whipping Al Qaida in Iraq. Bush was supposed to wait until they came to New York City again, and get them there. But now Obama's retreat from Iraq will result in a power vacuum that both Al Qaida and Tehran will try to fill.

And we are going to see more US deaths as Obama leaves our military on the defensive....


image toon - gwot nsec - War rules = US soldier deaths

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