Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Some logic and horse sense

I see where several intellectuals in Massachusetts want to form a committee to explore racial harmony following the recent arrest of a Harvard professor.

In an effort to enhance my public-spiritedness, I decided to organize my own committee to analyze how confrontations between supposed adults of all races can best be avoided. Here is what my committee determined by applying a complex blend of common horse sense and elementary logic.

If your home has been previously targeted by potential burglars, it's wise not to try breaking into it in full view of a neighbor who doesn't recognize you but cares enough to summon police.

When the responding officer arrives to investigate a possible burglary in progress, simply invite him inside. Then smile and offer thanks for his putting himself in a potentially threatening situation because he was trying to stop an intruder from ransacking your home.

Do not immediately judge the officer's arrival to protect you and your home as "profiling" just because he's of a different race.

Instead, offer him a beer...

[More, all at no cost to the taxpayer.]

Now where does my committee collect its grant?

[Figures. Scratch that last...]


image toon - 1st fnn mny = Beer summit fine until left tab open

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