Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fixing Government's Health Care Mess With Our Money

It is instructive to watch President Obama talk to the American people using center-right language about choice and incentives. But he is talking not about choices and markets but about a comprehensive and mandatory administrative program of staggering complexity. It will not deliver choice and efficiency; it will not deliver more health care for more people with less money. It will further rigidify and constrain health care options and, where it subsidizes use of health care resources, run up the costs.

And the whole exercise is a classic demonstration of government trying to get out of a jam caused by administrative compulsion and subsidy -- with, what else? more compulsion and subsidy.

Most likely the president will get some sort of a bill out of Congress and declare victory. And then a few months later the think tanks will report that the Medicare unfunded liability is now the ObamaCare unfunded liability, and it just doubled from $30 trillion to $60 trillion.

Hey. It's just your money.


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