Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Elite Meltdown

The face-off between the ruling party and the people continues to unfold...

The politicians continue to manufacture faux outrage at the American people for failing to 'understand' the nuances, the broad outline, of a 1,000 page plus bill that the politicians haven't even read.

The American people understand all too well, and the politicians false acting has been replaced by real outrage... [snip]

Peons from fly-over country are daring to challenge the carefully scripted and (deliberately?) misleading talking points. Talking points which, by the way, have been endorsed by the media. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are using the standard liberal tactic of diverting attention from the issue by demonizing the dissenter, in this case, the American people.

According to Pelosi and Reid, voicing objections to the federal government's take over of 17% of the formerly free market economy is 'un-American.' Harry Reid has gone a step further, tarring dissenter's as 'evil mongers'. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has blithely dismissed the burgeoning dissent by informing one and all that these 'townhalls are not representative of America.' Obama, meanwhile, is trying to divert the issue by blaming the 'headline hungry television networks', accusing them of 'enflaming an ugly backlash.', and have launched a new $12 million ad campaign [taxpayer paid] designed to soothe Americans into relying on the government instead of common sense... [snip]

The only problem is, Americans aren't buying it.

Americans have been deceived and beaten up by the government so many times lately, that, even thought they still love Obama, they're taking steps to distance themselves from what has become an increasingly dangerous relationship. Flowers, new cars, and soothing words are no longer effective. Even the race card isn't ringing their bells.

Liberals have finally succeeded in persuading Americans to look at the broad picture instead of inconvenient details.

The kicker is, as more Americans see the broad picture, they see the unprecedented devolution of power to the federal government. They see the loss of America's traditional reliance on individuals instead of government. They see the loss of personal liberty and freedom of choice.

And they don't like it...


image toon - 1st hcare = Town Hallers have questions for witch doctors

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