Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alinsky-in-August Offensive

Alinsky Rule #13:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Nancy Pelosi, last Thursday:

"It's almost immoral what they are doing," Pelosi said to reporters, referring to insurance companies. "Of course they've been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure," she said, adding, "They are the villains. They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening."

On Friday, The Hill intercepted a top-secret, Dem communiqué that spelled out the battle plan for the Alinsky-in-August MediCoup offensive, echoing Imperious Nancy's salvo at the insurance companies, the now-to-be targeted "villain."

The Democrats' war strategy is simple and, of course, it's pure Alinsky. Target the insurance companies and make them out to be reprobate wretches of the most vile, greedy, Simon-Legree sort imaginable. We are sure to be treated to ads, which feature purely hair-raising "robber-baron-rips-off-Harry&Louise" tales of insurance company bad guys.

Setting up the battle lines, Pelosi told the NYT what the so-called enemies of the little people will do in August:

"This is going to be carpet bombing," she said. "Carpet bombing, slash and burn, shock and awe - anything you want to say to describe what the insurance companies will do to hold on to their special advantage, which exploits the patients and holds the American consumer at the mercy of the insurance company."

But, so far, none of the Democrats' tactics has worked all that well in convincing a wary public to just trust them to know what's best for all our healthcare.

When 83% of Americans are quite happy with the healthcare they have, then convincing them to let go of it for the obviously-fools-gold "public option" is an up-hill battle, as the Dems have finally figured out.

So, they will employ their usual politics-by-fear, and fill the airwaves with individual stories about evil insurers denying coverage, and plant the fear that the same will happen to you without the MediCoup solution... [snip]

When every single Democrat Congressperson and their President signs a pledge to be the first enrollees in their "public option" health insurance scheme, then, and only then, will we be willing to talk about reform. Because, at the moment, we -- Harry & Louise Q. Citizens -- are the only ones with any skin in this game and we're feeling mighty burned.

Besides, it's hard to trust an insurance salesman who hasn't even read the policy, now isn't it?

[And according to Gibbs yesterday, has no intention of ever reading what Congress eventually asks for his signature on.]


image toon - crpt reps libs hcare - Book report without reading it

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