Friday, July 10, 2009

On Social Issues, WaPo Says Obama Displays 'Centrist Instincts'

The Washington Post printed a front-page story headlined "President Obama Wades Into Gay Issues" on Thursday, but Scott Wilson’s story displayed the usual double standard, calling the religious right "conservative" [not the same thing as anyone who knows what each stand for can tell you] and describing the gay left with no ideological label at all.

Is this really a cultural clash between the conservatives and the supposedly 'non-ideological' sexual revolutionaries?

Worse yet, Wilson suggested Barack Obama’s been displaying "centrist instincts" on the social issues:

That agenda comprises a set of social and economic issues that at times pit Obama's religious beliefs [?] and centrist instincts [??] against the demands of a well-organized constituency important to his future electoral prospects...


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