Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obama signing statement on war funding bill: Left is curiously silent

Don't you miss the good old days of Bush's "unitary executive" presidency? The left got its panties in a twist every time Bush signed a bill and issued a signing statement listing his objections. They tried to outdo each other in outrage when talking about "dictatorship" and the like whenever these signing statements were published.

Sometimes it was even front page news in the New York Times and Washington Post.

"Balance of Power!" "Unitary executive!" "Bush is Hitler - or Worse!"

My how times have changed:

President Obama signed the $106 billion war-spending bill into law Friday, but not without taking a page from his predecessor and ignoring a few elements in legislation.

Obama included a five-paragraph signing statement with the bill, including a final paragraph that outlined his objections to at least four areas of the bill.

The Obama administration announced in the statement it would disregard provisions of the legislation that, among other things, would compel the Obama administration to pressure the World Bank to strengthen labor and environmental standards and require the Treasury department to report to Congress on the activities of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF).

John McCormack of the Weekly Standard reminds us that Obama made a big deal during the campaign of promising to end the nefarious practice of the Bush administration issuing signing statements.

The crickets are chirping on the left, but it hardly hides the towering hypocrisy of their position on this issue.

[Heard of this from our professional media?]


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