Friday, July 24, 2009

Healthcare Policy, Social Justice and Thugs

The health care crisis in America is not about the quality of health care, but about sticker shock to people who believe in the free lunch.

Politicians are telling us that the only way to achieve social justice is to deliver an equal and adequate amount of health care, directed by a well motivated government central plan. No more crude private system, flawed, uneven, and unfair.... [snip]

These physicians go to college, listen to socialist smart ass professors, come out convinced that the welfare state and Marxism are well meaning and just need more planning and money. We end up with leftist, socialist, welfare state insanity supported by the smartest guys in the health care system... [snip]

All the yakking is a distraction. Even the providers, who know the truth, will join the government plan to save, short term, their economic status. They know 'planning' doesn't control silly overuse and lack of economic incentives. They know the system will never be sensible until people start paying their own bills for service.

The vast majority of the uninsured do not need care -- they are young and healthy or they would already be in the safety net. There is no uninsured crisis. The cost of uninsured care in the United States is less than 50 billion, much less, because the bill of 120 billion is a bill of lost income, not cost. Cost is half of that-- 40 to 50 billion, and the uninsured pay 40 or 50 billion, so one might call uninsured care a wash.

So now the federal government, the same outfit that caused health care insurance premiums to skyrocket by restricting competition across the country, now tells us (with a straight face) that they'll provide everyone with care that's less expensive and of higher quality -- and we're supposed to believe them?

[I.e., how stupid do they think we are? {rhetorical}]

[More {longish} - Highly Recommended > ]


image toon - mny hcare = Emporor Oby has no cloths

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