Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Devolution: AP Waters Down Obama-Gates-Crowley

Watching Associated Press reports evolve, or as is all too often the case, devolve, can be a revealing exercise.

Example: What happened between 8 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday that would have caused the Associated Press and writer Nancy Benac to water down the headline and opening paragraphs of their story about the Obama-Gates-Crowley situation from this ....

.... to this?

Why, 12 hours later, when there are no known developments in the story, is the situation no longer one that Obama "helped fire" or "stoke"?

While the AP headline writers and Benac eased up on Obama, Benac didn't lighten up on Obama critics, as the following paragraphs from each report demonstrate... [snip]

The current AP dynamic link is here, so readers can see if and/or how Benac's story further devolves.


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