Monday, July 27, 2009

CBO reveals that Obamacare is based on cooked numbers, AGAIN

For the second time in less than a month, the Congressional Budget Office has dealt a severe blow to Obamacare's claims that it will pay of itself in health care savings.

The CBO, who earlier said that the plan would actually cost the government hundreds of billions over the next decade, put the kibosh on the notion that the Medicare reform proposed would save more than $2 billion over 10 years. And that's still about $450 billion short of what is needed.

In response, the White House, after touting the deal with Blue Dogs last Tuesday to have an independent panel make the Medicare savings decisions, turned around and tried to make it appear that they never said the savings would be realized in the next decade - an outright, shocking lie, says Chris Frates in Politico: [snip]

Ed Lasky adds:

First, the Congressional Budget Office head, Douglas Elmendorf, gets called into the White House for a "discussion" over his agency's findings that Obama Care will costs far in excess to what is being presented to America by Barack Obama; then Peter Orszag joins in the bullying by posting critical commentary on his blog about the CBO's analysis.

Of course, Orszag himself used budget tricks to get his budget projections to work out for Obama-including excluding hikes in doctors' fees for treating Medicare patients .

Barack Obama truly has a "bully" pulpit and he is the bully.


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