Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sotomayor's Unconvincing Backpedalling

I'm surprised and disturbed by how many times today Sonia Sotomayor has backed off of or provided less-than-convincing explanations for some of her more controversial speeches about the role of gender and ethnicity in judicial decision-making. Sotomayor's most quoted comment is,

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experiences, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male."

she essentially disavowed...

[Because in today's media 'climate' {talk about warming}, it will work - despite all video evidence to the contrary.]


Sotomayor on Sotomayor: Revises, extends her words

It's a good thing Sonia Sotomayor speaks Sotomayoran. The Supreme Court nominee at last got a chance to deconstruct her own words Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Fingers splayed, palms flat, hands bouncing up and then deliberately pressing down to the table, Sotomayor elaborated, clarified, expanded, retracted. She drew loopy circles on her paper; she ran rhetorical circles around her past words...


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