Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Blind man has sight restored by having tooth implanted in his eye

Martin Jones, 42, a builder, had been blind for 12 years after a tub of white hot aluminium exploded in his face as he worked at a scrapyard. He married his wife Gill, 50, four years ago but had not seen her until after the delicate eight-hour operation to return the gift of sight.

The procedure began when one of Mr Jones' canine teeth was removed and converted into a holder for a special optical lens by drilling a hole in it. The tooth was then inserted into his cheek for three months to enable it to grow new tissue and blood vessels.

Then finally came the delicate operation to insert the tooth, complete with the fitted lens into Mr Jones' right eyeball. Within two weeks of the final operation to implant the tooth in his eyeball his sight returned and he was told he had almost perfect vision in his right eye.

"When I first heard about the technique I couldn't believe it. I don't think many people can. ... "My friends just don't believe me. They think I'm pulling their leg or have just made it up. But when I take my glasses off they say "oh my God" Because my eye looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. They're just amazed at it,"

[About time - I've long wondered why they didn't stick teeth in peoples' eyes to restore vision. Seriously; an example of our medical experts, of whom I'm frequently critical, truly earning the moniker of 'miracle workers'.

"The first car I saw when my sight was restored was a Smart car and I couldn't stop laughing – I'd never seen one before and I thought it had been chopped in half."


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