Monday, June 1, 2009

Media Ignores Obama's SCOTUS Nominee's Membership In Radical La Raza Organization

Back in the 2006 nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court , Barack Obama criticized the philosphy on confirming Supreme Court Justices stating "Meaningful advice and consent includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record."

I agree with his objection, and find it very curious as to why Obama now has focused on his nominee's empathy and "personal story" . As Obama advises, we need get beyond personal character and examine the judge's "philosphies, ideologies, and record." [snip]

One statement made by Sotomayor is very disturbing in the realm of judicial philosophy. This month…a video surfaced of Judge Sotomayor asserting in 2005 [during a panel discussion for law students] that a ‘court of appeals is where policy is made.’

This statement has been largely ignored by the main stream media yet the need for clarification is extremely important if the Senate is to approve this woman to one of the most powerful positions in America. If we are to look at judge Sotomayor's personal ideologies it would be reckless to ignore her feelings on race and sex... [snip]

However, the most disturbing reflection of Sotomayor's character is the company she keeps. According the American Bar Association, Sotomayor is a member of the NCLR, otherwise known as "La Raza".

La Raza is a known radical pro-illegal immigration group that should be bringing up many, many questions. However, the media hasn't reported a peep on Sotomayor's association with the group. Don't expect much either.

In summary, I advise the Senate to take the Presiden't advice. Look past the personal stories and look at the nominee's beliefs, philosophies, and record.

We know the media won't.

[La Raza: "The Race", and we're to have a supreme court justice as a member. Think about it. Highly Recommended > ]


image toon 1st bbro legal = Sotomayor taking blindfold off

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