Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Liberals Blame O'Reilly for Tiller Murder, Silent on Military Recruiter Shooting

While the far left is blaming Bill O’Reilly and the pro-life movement for the death of George Tiller, another shooting has left military recruiter William Long dead at the hands of an anti-military Muslim convert.

Mainstream liberals like Keith Olbermann and news sources like NBC have already blamed O'Reilly for Tiller's death, as have websites like Salon, the Huffington Post, and the Daily Kos.

Markos Moulitsas may have celebrated the deaths of Blackwater fighters and wished for a similar fate for Michelle Malkin, but nevermind that.

And Olbermann did call our troops fighting in Iraq "cold-blooded killers," but that obviously had nothing to do with the hate some on the left feel against the military.

To be sure, I'm not saying that Olbermann or Kos are somehow to blame for one lunatic's deranged actions, I am simply saying that those two lunatics are responsible for their own deranged comments. Saying that someone is responsible for murder based on their civic dissent is nothing more than first-degree fear mongering.

While Michelle Malkin, Allahpundit, Red State, and other conservative bloggers have denounced Tiller's murder, Keith Olbermann, Think Progress, the Huffington Post, haven't even mentioned William Long's murder at the recruiting center as of this writing.

[Is Code Pink to be 'held accountable' for the actions of the wacko in Little Rock? Sounds absurd, but there's a serious undertone in the campaign against Fox that should alarm all American.]


[Then there's this piece asking the question...

given his/their repeated flirtations with the idea.]

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