Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just say no to Government Motors and Obamacars

Today's bankruptcy filing by GM will see the end of a once-great car company and the birth of a federal government-union partnership dressed up as a business.

Governments can do very few things well and almost nothing efficiently.

A government -run car company is not only very unnecessary, it's a deeply dismaying prospect. And not primarily because it won't make good cars at competitive prices, though almost certainly neither the new GM or the new Chrysler will do so. History tells us these ventures are highly unlikely to succeed.

The DNA of America is coded with private enterprise and individual risk-taking and reward.

The idea of the government owning businesses of any sort is not merely bad economics, it is terrible government. Buying a GM or a Chrysler is consenting to a massive leftward lurch in the American form of government, a "buying-into" a bought up company, and one gobbled up in a series of transactions which pummeled the private investor while protecting the pols and their union supporters.

Any American who values their traditions of free enterprise and political freedom will urge the federal government to disinvest itself from these companies immediately.

Buy Ford. Buy anything that isn't owned and operated by the federal government. You don't have to buy one that costs not just your cash, but also your commitment to free enterprise and all the benefits that flow from it.


1 comment:

Gopal said...

Most true. Very rarely do government-run enterprises anywhere in the world make profit because of lack of involvement and absense of any risks for the govt officials who run the show without any experience in a particular industry.