Thursday, June 18, 2009

83% Say U.S. Legal System Should Treat All Americans Equally

Eighty-three percent (83%) of U.S. voters say America’s legal system should apply the law equally to all Americans rather than using the law to help those who have less power and influence. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 8% disagree.

This belief is shared overwhelmingly by Republicans, Democrats and voters not affiliated with either party.

However, voters are more divided when asked how the legal system is actually performing today. Thirty-seven percent (37%) say the U.S. legal system generally provides unfair advantages to minorities, while 34% say it generally treats all Americans equally.

Eighteen percent (18%) of voters say the American legal system generally discriminates against minorities.

[Coincidence that 17% don't think the legal system should apply equally and 18% think minorities are discriminated against??]


image toon - 1st fnn bbro legal = Sotomayor's ankle due to shooting self in foot

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