Friday, May 15, 2009

Trash the environment or give up on green

As the idea of "renewable" energy gets its first serious vetting, many are pointing out that there are environmental tradeoffs in going green just as there are in drilling or transporting oil:

Renewable-energy development, which the Obama administration has made a priority, is posing conflicts between economic interests and environmental concerns, not entirely unlike the way offshore oil and gas development pits economics against environment. But because of 'concerns about climate', many environmentalists and government agencies could find themselves straddling both sides, especially in Western states where the federal government is a major landowner.

This is a dirty little secret that outfits like NRDC has known for years but somehow never managed to mention it when trashing oil and gas development. The cost to the environment is relative when you begin to calculate the enormous size that these more inefficient methods of producing energy are used.

And what about the manufacture of solar cells? The process uses extremely hazardous chemicals and as we know, accidents happen in both the manufacturing and storage process.

It's why liberals never debated this subject honestly.


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