Monday, May 11, 2009

Time Mag on GOP: 'Extremely Conservative Ideas' for 'Extremely Conservative Base'

How may times can you use the discrediting term “extremely,” suggesting extremist positions, in a single sentence describing the state of the Republican Party? Three, if you're writing Time magazine's cover story. Michael Grunwald contended “the party's ideas -- about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else -- are not popular ideas.”

He then asserted in the article for the May 18 edition of the magazine:

They are extremely conservative ideas tarred by association with the extremely unpopular George W. Bush, who helped downsize the party to its extremely conservative base.

An excerpt from “Republicans in Distress: Is the Party Over?”, which is part of the magazine's “Endangered Species” cover story package:

....Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.
That's the problem. The party's ideas — about economic issues, social issues and just about everything else — are not popular ideas. They are extremely conservative ideas...

[Don't be fooled by the pervasive campaign to label all things conservative 'extreme' by definition: this nation remains a center-right country and conservative {mind you} ideas can only be seen as extreme in their distance from the ultra-liberal agenda of the current administration & congress {and MSM}.

Unfortunately as 2008 taught us, ceaseless repetition of any mantra, no matter how fallacious, has the desired effect on many who get their news from TV...]


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