Wednesday, May 20, 2009

'Skeptical Environmentalist' Doubts 'Underwater Manhattan' Global Warming Scenario


One of the tricks in the global warming alarmist playbook over the years has been to show how global warming will cause sea levels to rise and flood the low-lying coastal areas where population centers happen to be, specifically lower Manhattan in New York City.

However, the imagery used by Al Gore in his "An Inconvenient Truth" and by various other global warming made-for-television specials isn't scientifically accurate according to Bjørn Lomborg, author of "Cool It: The Skeptical Environmentalist's Guide to Global Warming."

Lomborg was asked by Gene Epstein in the May 18 issue of Barron's if it would be "smart to prevent global warming as soon as possible -- to avoid seeing Manhattan under 20 feet of water in ten years?"

"That makes for vivid imagery, but it isn't what the science is telling us," [snip]

The tactic of suggested Manhattan would be underwater due to the effects of global warming has been one used on repeated occasions in the media. Aside from former Vice President Al Gore using it, CBS's "The Early Show" host Harry Smith has used it and more recently, NBC's Lester Holt used such imagery in his MSNBC special, "Future Earth: Journey to the End of the World."


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