Monday, May 18, 2009

SF Chronicle Reporter: Pelosi 'Torture Woes' Politically Motivated

So how does the Washington correspondent for Nancy Pelosi's hometown newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle, explain away Nancy Pelosi's disastrous news conference on Thursday in which she accused the CIA of lying?

Simple. Blame it all on the evil Republicans and portray the House Speaker as the victim of political gamesmanship.

Such was the laughable premise of Carolyn Lochhead in her Chronicle article:


image toon 1st gwot nsec - Pelosi wants water from EIT to dowse pants

1 comment:

IgorMarxo said...

Old Russian saying...You can tell same lie 1000 times but not change truth!

Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"

In Russia government make media say what they want - even if lie.
In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want - even if lie..
.....eventually they become same thing?!