Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sacrificing Israel

Linking US action against Iran with freezing settlement building, destroying Jewish communities and establishing a second Arab Palestinian state [Jordan is the first, but it changed its name from Arab Palestine to Trans Jordan, in an effort to ask 'where Palestine?' which dupes the historically ignorant] is a set-up for Israel's demonization and destruction.

For President Obama, it's a win-win. No matter what happens, Israel will be blamed.

Pres. Obama knows that short of military intervention nothing will prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power. Making Israeli concessions the key to stopping Iran, therefore allows Obama a perfect excuse: Israel didn't do enough; it's Israel's fault... [snip]

Pushing Israel against the wall is a convenient way of deflecting Muslim terrorism away from American and European investments and interests. As long as Islamists think that Obama is on their side, they'll refrain from attacking, keep oil prices low and keep oil flowing.

Iran will make cosmetic adjustments so that Obama can claim victory; the crisis defused. And Israel will pay the price...


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