Thursday, May 14, 2009


A new poll has found that most young Americans who went to the polls on November 4th, and presumably voted for Barack Obama, had no idea that the Democrats have run Congress the last two years. That's a good thing for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, because her record is as bad as any new Speaker's in history, says Stephen Moore, an economics writer for the Wall Street Journal.

Two years ago Speaker Pelosi solemnly pledged a new ethic of fiscal responsibility if voters would empower her with the Speaker's gavel:

  • Instead the federal budget deficit has soared from $165 billion in fiscal year 2007 to $486 billion in 2008 and could reach $1 trillion in 2009.
  • Meanwhile, routine federal spending has risen by $400 billion in two years -- a figure that does not include the cost of the three federal banking bailouts, and counting.
The bottom line, says Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, is that Nancy Pelosi has been a disaster for workers and investors.

[who could have seen that coming?]


image toon - reps crpt 1st fnn bdd - Pelosi & dems decide not to drain swamp

1 comment:

Reaganite Republican Resistance said...

Apparently Pelosi and Obama forgot something: the CIA KILLS people… it’s in their job description.

Did those two really think that these killers were going to just meekly take-one-for-the-team… when the team captain is a lying, incompetent, arrogant nebbish who has basically told them they need to kiss his ring? -please

Obama really kicked an ant hill with his ill-advised and politically motivated release of Bush Administration memos regarding EITs- I’m sure he already regrets it.

Let’s have a hearing and get it all out there, shall we? Then watch the rats scatter who attacked Bush for protecting the country from terrorist attack… but who clearly knew what was going on five years before we heard a peep out of them.