Friday, May 29, 2009

Gibbs on 'burgeoning...controversy'

The issue didn’t go away with the campaign, and now it’s found its way into the West Wing. At Robert Gibbs’ Wednesday briefing, radio host Lester Kinsolving asked whether the White House would satisfy several hundred thousand petitioners by releasing “a certified copy of [Obama’s] long-form birth certificate.”

Gibbs appeared incredulous."It’s on the Internet, Lester.”

“Long-form, listing his hospital and physician,” Kinsolving clarified...

[This entire 'controversy', 100% of it, is due to Obama's abject refusal to release his full {many say 'actual', with some cause} birth certificate to the people that hired him on condition he was a US citizen.



1 comment:

IgorMarxo said...

This man look like as American friend say "Major league dumb donkey"

Old Russian saying...You can tell same lie 1000 time but not change truth!

Difference between USSR Communist media and USA "mainstream media"

In Russia government make media say what they want - even if lie.
In USA "mainstream media" try make government what they want - even if lie..
.....eventually they become same thing?!

I Igor produce Obama Birth Certificate at