Wednesday, May 13, 2009

'Enhanced Interrogation Technique' Like 'Rape Is an Enhanced Seduction Technique'

Former ABC News anchor Ted Koppel took to BBC's “torture is always illegal, and those who use it will always be prosecuted.”

Koppel shared how his “greatest disagreement” with Cheney is over describing water-boarding as an “enhanced interrogation technique,” which Koppel contended is a “euphemism” for torture that is “almost the moral equivalent of saying that rape is an enhanced seduction technique.”

Furthermore, Koppel contended in mocking the carefully construed legal reasoning that allowed water-boarding, if you do that “you might as well go all the way to the red-hot pokers.”

[Well, no bias there.

Again: EIT isn't torture, it's a truly ingenious technique to use the body's survival mechanisms to scare the wits out of folks - while doing no harm (physically or mentally, as detailed DOD studies of the >400K American service members subjected to the technique have proven).

But if everyone one in the media just says torture-torture over and over again, viola: torture.

First: control the language.]


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