Friday, May 1, 2009

AP's Calvin Woodward Does Astonishing Fact Check on Obama

It will be interesting to see how much distribution it gets. I would suggest not counting on too much, but being open to a pleasant surprise. Regardless of its distribution, you'd better believe they've read it in the White House, and they're wondering what in the world happened.

FACT CHECK: Obama disowns deficit he helped shape

“That wasn't me,” President Barack Obama said on his 100th day in office, disclaiming responsibility for the huge budget deficit waiting for him on Day One.

It actually was him — and the other Democrats controlling Congress the previous two years — who shaped a budget so out of balance.

And as a presidential candidate and president-elect, he backed the twilight Bush-era stimulus plan that made the deficit deeper, all before he took over and promoted spending plans that have made it much deeper still... [snip]

Enjoy it. Just don't delude yourself into thinking a lot of people will see it, or that it marks any kind of general change in direction at AP.


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