Thursday, May 21, 2009

AP Headline on Fed's Economy Downgrade: ''Fed sees hopeful signs ...."

Here's a CNN e-mail alert I just received a couple of hours ago:

So how did the Associated Press's Jeannine Aversa report the above raw news? As you would expect an Obama apparatchik to do it (reproduced in full as it existed at 3:15 p.m.; bold after title is mine):

Fed sees hopeful signs but downgrades '09 forecast

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Reserve expects the economy to improve in coming months, even as policymakers have downgraded their outlook for all of 2009. [snip]

I thought the stimulus legislation had to be enacted immediately to prevent the economy from going in the tank. Why, it was soooooo urgent that nobody even had the time to read it before they voted. Three months later, the economy's in the tank and the "stimulus" hasn't taken hold.

Meaningful tax cuts would have "taken hold" and actually stimulated the economy by now, and could have been made retroactive to January 1 -- and I'm not talking about the Obama cut that the vast majority of Americans have said is making no noticeable difference in their lives. Only nine percent say it's made a big difference, "fifty-eight percent say no difference, and the others don't know."

But to Jeannine Aversa, the "hopeful signs" are more important than the belief stated by the Fed that the economy will be worse than it originally thought...

[As expected. My fellow politicos and I have been counting the days went out that enough time had passed to implement the positive spin phase to economic reporting. And it's not just the AP, the memo's been sent: everything is given its absolute best spin. You know; just like was done for Bush.]


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