Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Watchdogs are heeling for Obama

Last week, I asked my journalism and political science students at American University to grade the news media covering the Obama administration for the first 100 days. The consensus fell between a C+ and a B-.

However, if I asked President Barack Obama’s media strategists to grade the press corps covering their boss, I bet they would mark their cards with an A.

Why? With few exceptions, the mainstream news media have been dutifully pushing the Obama message, burnishing his carefully crafted image and offering few challenges when he makes questionable or misleading pronouncements, gestures or policy statements.

In short, they seem mesmerized by the glamour of this new and different president. He is keeping them so busy with skillfully staged daily travel, speeches, meetings and photo ops that they hardly have time to ask tough questions or add context to their stories. Whatever Obama says, or doesn’t say, is usually good enough for them.

No comment from the president on pirates taking hostage the captain of a U.S.-flagged ship? No problem.

Get a new dog? Three days of extensive coverage everywhere.

Obama strategists must be giving each other fist bumps as they chortle, “Boy, have we got them eating out of our hands"...


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