Tuesday, April 21, 2009

States Can't Afford to Track Stimulus Spending - AP Forgets to Ask Why

Apparently, one-tenth of one percent is too much money spend tracking, ah, your money. The states are now starting to complain that they don't have enough money to track and publicize all the spending they're doing: [snip]

Among the questions the Post and the AP decided not ask were:

  • Why not take the money out of the state programs being supplemented? Don't these states already have offices devoted to tracking spending?
  • Why didn't our representatives think of this before voting for this bill? Aside from, you know, the fact that they apparently didn't read the bill.
  • If transparency is important for stimulus spending, why are the state Democrats blocking actual transparency in both school and the general budget review?

You can see why having newspapers around is so critical to a functioning democracy.


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