Monday, April 27, 2009

The Price Tag of Modern Liberalism

As we struggle to come to terms with the “Islamic fact,” it should by now be obvious that we are dealing with what Robert Spencer has called “stealth jihad,” a serpentine Islamic movement which envisions the demolition of a way of life and the weakening of the State which braces it. We do not seem to realize the extent to which we have boogied into the arms of those who would jeopardize our stability and well-being, as if in agreement with the Islamic notion of the West as jahiliyya (“pre-Islamic,” i.e., pagan, ignorant) and therefore deserving of immolation.

For militant Islam, the West is ripe for the plucking. Whether we are dealing with the sly, insinuating eloquence of Tariq Ramadan, whose project is the gradual permeation of Islamic culture into the center of the Western public space, or the agonistic declamations of Dyab Abu Jahjah, who defines assimilation as “cultural rape,” the difference is the same: the message is that of Islamic supremacy.

Countries like Holland, England, Belgium, France and eventually Canada will find themselves paying in tax dollars and social turbulence, if not in blood, for their political inertia, ethnic patronage, civic permissiveness, electoral calculations and the usual multicultural chestnuts. This is the price tag of modern liberalism, which the precient American political thinker James Burnham, in his 1964 Suicide of the West, defined as “a philosophy of consolation [that] permits Western civilization to be reconciled to dissolution.” [snip]

All of which leads to an inescapable conclusion. In the drama of civilization being enacted before our very eyes, it is not only the bombers who are suicidal...

[Highly Recommended > ]


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