Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Modern American 'Racism'

In modern America, racism means anything you want it to mean. If you want a job you're not be qualified for, or you don't want to work at all but still want to get paid, or if you want to stop someone from doing something, or you want to punish someone for doing something, just scream racism at the top of your lungs until your lawyer gets someone to pay you to shut up.

Here are some practical examples of racism, as practiced by racists, in modern America:

  • Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal questions whether to take federal stimulus money because to do so may obligate the state to continue to fund some programs long after the federal money runs out. He's a racist.
  • Dallas County Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield says paperwork that keeps getting lost in a county office has disappeared into "a black hole." He's a racist.
  • Toddlers who say "yuk" when fed unfamiliar ethnic food. They're racists. (Technically, this was based on a British study, but they speak English, too.)
  • An Indiana University student working as a part-time university custodian reads the book Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan in an employee break room (the book is available in the school's library). He's a racist.
  • A man tells a co-worker he wrecked his car after loosing control of it on a patch of "black ice." He's a racist.
  • Anyone who suggests a link between Islam and violence is a racist.
  • Anyone who suggests stricter border security is a racist.
  • And obviously, anyone who didn't vote for Barack Obama is by default a racist.
These examples aren't made up. They're not hypothetical. They're real, and the people involved were accused of being racists, even the toddlers in the British study.

I'm fed up with it, but perhaps if enough of us are fed up, and together we express our disgust and begin to shout down the race mongers, we can be heard. And if we can be heard, maybe we can engage in an intelligent debate when the subject of race comes up, instead cowering in the corner hoping not to be accused of RACISM.

[Don't subscribe to the 'shouting' part - I think a calm, consistent {every time} but unambiguous rejection is the best counter to this extortionary tactic.

More, Recommended > ]


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